Wednesday 27 July 2016

What Works The Best For Enterprise Apps? – Native Vs. Cross-Platform

As mobile technology advances and consumer behavior depicts increased smartphone usage, businesses around the world are placing immense importance on adopting an active mobile-first strategy and building a mobile app. However, the challenges that arise with enterprise app development have confounded business owners for a while. One among them is the choice of development platform for app development. The native vs. hybrid debate has been on for a while, spawning countless arguments amidst developers and enterprise owners.
Here we’ll break it down to the bare essentials and help you choose the right platform for business app development:

What Do Enterprises Need?

Before developing and launching a mobile app, ask yourself the following questions
  • Do you need an app that solves a common problem your business faces and improves productivity?
  • Do you need an app that delivers high-performance?
  • Do you need an app that has excellent built-in functionality?
  • Do you need an app that benefits the end-user?
  • Do you need an app that provides offline experience?
If your answer is YES to all these questions, your enterprise needs can be easily met with a native app instead of a cross-platform app, here’s how:

1) Provides Unmatched User Experience

When it comes to speed and reliability, nothing can beat native apps. Unlike cross-platform apps, customer-required data is present on the phone instead of external servers.

2) App-Specific Development Possible

The biggest drawback of using cross-platform apps to power your enterprise app is that it could only provide a generic UI and UX. Native apps are designed with gestures and navigation that platform-specific users are more accustomed to, which in turn, leads to better user experience.

3) Enhanced Versatility

Since native apps make use of the device’s native language, it provides limitless versatility and allows easy inclusion of animations, graphics, etc. without compromising on performance.

4) Full Use Of Native Device Hardware

A native app can enable you to exploit a particular Smartphone’s built-in functionality to your advantage. For instance, iPhones come equipped with a fingerprint scanner that you can use, which is not the case with a majority of Android-powered devices. This allows easy incorporation of hardware-related features like gestures, geolocation tagging, multitouch functions, etc.

5) Easy Upgrades And Maintenance

With OS version updates, the native app can be easily updated, unlike cross-platform apps which require a revamp of the entire code to fit the latest upgrade.

Native apps provide tremendous benefits over cross-platform apps when it comes to enterprise app development. Get the help of expert native app developers and employ a successful mobile-first strategy today!

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