Sunday 15 October 2017

6 Important Factors to Consider Before Rebuilding Your Website

Revamping your website – both structurally and design-wise – can lead to improved search engine rankings and a better user experience for visitors, which will automatically result in more conversions for your business. However, rebuilding a website is by no means an easy task. If you don’t do the job right, not only will you damage your search engine rankings, but you’ll probably also end up causing damage that could take months to repair. 

Here are some useful strategies that will help you redesign your site successfully:

Plan for new URLs
When you add new pages to a site or modify existing ones, you will also be changing URLs. If you don’t plan for the URL changes, visitors may use the old URLs and get a 404 (page not found) error. Not only does this hamper user experience, but it will also lose you rankings. Ensure that you have 301 redirects in place for both your visitors and Google.

Make it Google-friendly 
It’s important that you don’t index any pages you are testing. If you index them, Google’s bot will crawl through them. Later, when you add them to your website, Google will believe it to be duplicate content, and you’ll be penalised. Always use a test environment for your pages and use ‘noindex’ and ‘nofollow’ tags. 

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Have a clear content strategy
Do you know what content your new pages will feature? You need to build a rough sketch of your new pages, so you’ll have an idea of how many pages you will need, where all the content will go, and if it fits with the old theme of your website.

Set up Google Analytics
If you were using Google Analytics, you should make a new profile for your new website. That way, you will be able to compare the data on your old profile with the data in the new one and make changes where necessary. A new profile will also help you achieve the goals you have in mind for your site.

Improve user experience
If visitors have a good time on your website and find the information or products they were after easily, they will be in a good mood and be more likely to do business with you. Use the latest design trends, animations, CTA best practices, and navigations tricks to provide an outstanding user experience (UX).

Choose a competent developer 
The makeover will only be a success if the developer you have picked understands your vision, is up-to-date with the latest design and SEO trends, and has experience with website redesigning. Our experienced web designers can rebuild your old website and enhance the overall UX.

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