Thursday, 26 April 2018

4 reasons why Laravel is the best PHP framework to work with in 2018

PHP – one of the most vintage server-side scripting platforms available today is a preferred favorite when it comes to developing websites. However, there is an increased discretion required on the part of web avenue owners in terms of what platform they like to choose to implement PHP with. With over 30 thousand stars on Github, Laravel is a front-running platform for PHP implementation.

Here are a few reasons why Laravel is the PHP framework that truly looks to have arrived at the scene in 2018, and why you should hire PHP web developers for the same:

Ease of authentication implementation

When it comes to the organization of the authorization logic and the access control for the various system resources, Laravel does not fall short at the least.

The Power of Object-Oriented Programming

Laravel has an exhaustive list of libraries which assist with object-oriented programming and this is a key distinction and advantage over other platforms of the likes. As an example, the authentication Library is a bank of useful features such as Cross-site Request Forgery protection, password reset, and encryption.

PHP Web Development Company

The command line interface: Artisan

Artisan is a great command line tool available out of the box in Laravel and it can be effectively used to automate some of the most repetitive maintenance and development tasks from the perspective of developers.

The support for MVC architecture

Just like platforms such as Symfony, Laravel too helps support the MVC architecture and this brings in a clear demarcation between logic and presentation. With the built-in functionalities within MVC, it provides a better documentation support and enhanced performance tuning for the entire platform.

Got excited looking and the advantages which Laravel brings to a business in terms of getting most out of your PHP website? Trust Openwave and the advanced skills of their Laravel developers to craft out a web avenue par excellence for your business.

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