Tuesday 25 October 2016

Grow your eCommerce Business with the Help of a Blog

As an eCommerce business owner, you have to compete with millions of other eCommerce businesses on the net. You probably spend a large portion of your time building up an email list, advertising and contacting customers in an attempt to get more paying customers. 

Everyone knows blogging, but not many businesses leverage blogging effectively as a potential marketing tool that can help convert customers. Even infrequent blog posts can be very beneficial to eCommerce businesses.

Here are some ways you can expand your eCommerce business with the help of a blog:

Blogs make search engines sit up and take notice

There are several reasons why blogs get you noticed by search engines. First, blogs add more quality pages to your website, which is always a good thing. Second, they signal that your website is getting updated with some regularity, which automatically ranks you over websites that don’t get updated. Blogs written with the right keywords in mind will also attract a lot of traffic back to your website.

And, finally, any of your blogs that get shared by people on their social media feeds or other platforms generate more links back to your website.

E-commerce Web development

Blogs are better than social media when it comes to promoting products

Blogs are much better than social media when it comes to promoting a new product or business. There is more room to talk about your product, for one. You can also use some high-quality images to tell a story.

Blogs help you provide valuable information to your customers

If you tend to get a lot of questions about some aspects of your business or products from customers, you can write blog posts dealing with each question. Your blog thus helps you answer a customer’s questions in more detail. You will also be able to customers who search for answers to their questions online.

Of course, it’s not enough to simply have a blog if you don’t have a website that customers will find attractive. If you’re new at website development, you should consider hiring Openwave professionals to make changes to your website or to help you migrate to a better eCommerce platform like Magento.

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