Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Developing an iPhone App? 7 Important Points for you to Remember!

Apple’s iPhone is one of those lucrative platforms where businesses always compete with each other for visibility.  As the iPhone is one of the most premium devices on the market, a large chunk of its users are mostly affluent professionals who choose the device for its stability and security despite its high price. Offering one’s services through such an app is not only prestigious but also leads to better conversions because of the nature of the target audience. 

However, for businesses that are from non-IT domains, developing an iOS version of their services can be quite a challenge as Apple places several stringent regulations on its developer community in order to ensure that its brand image is not tarnished. When developing iPhone apps, businesses should pay attention to the following things:

#1. Business Objectives: Businesses should identify the purpose their application should serve and ensure that this purpose is well entrenched in every aspect of the app development. All features of the application should be aligned towards this purpose.

#2. App Design and User Interface: As Apple vets each and every app that is listed on its app store, iPhone developers should focus on ensuring that their App design and User Interface are intuitive and easily navigable. This increases the appeal of the application and ensures ease of use.

#3. Development Process: Apps need to go through design, programming and then finally a testing phase before they are deployed. In order to ensure that the apps match up to the quality standards, a stringent quality check must be kept at each level of development and all flaws must be ironed out to keep the application snag-free.

#4. Integration of Services: When it comes to developing iPhone apps, the sky is the limit on the number of services and features that can be integrated into them. However, businesses should be clear on what they need to offer and what they need not offer. This helps keep the app light and efficient. Too many features only add to the complexity and size of the application.

#5. Development Timeline: Setting a timeline for the team involved in iPhone mobile application development is the best way to ensure that all processes follow a procedure and no delays or cost overruns occur.

#6. App Deployment Procedures: When it comes to registering an iOS application on the App store, there are several procedures. The team must ensure that all of Apple’s guidelines are followed and the app works as expected.

#7. Support and Maintenance of the App: iOS apps require regular maintenance and upgrades that fix the snags by releasing patches. Businesses should have a dedicated team on standby to handle all snags and release patches quickly.

A better way to avoid getting mired in the complexities of iOS development is to outsource the entire process to iPhone Apps Development Companies like Openwave who have a dedicated team in Malaysia to serve such requirements. To know more, drop a mail to our sales team.

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